Senior Day Program

My dad loves the activities and friends. Mom takes care of him at home and they both like time apart. Before we found HelloCare Day Lounge my mom was burnt out and thinking of moving my dad into memory care. The Day Lounge is much better option for us. It’s also very affordable.

Options for care are important. Our Senior Day Lounge combines food, fun and friends into each day. A Senior Day Program is a safe place for people that need care during the day so their family caregivers can work or take some time for themselves. 

Fun & Games

The best part of the day is playing games with friends. HelloCare Senior Day Lounge offers opportunities to make social connections and stay active - together!

Exercise with friends

Moving adds life to years. Strength training and exercise are part of the routine at HelloCare Senior Day Lounge. Seniors that are active during the day have more restful nights. They also have a lower risk of falling - all great reasons to get up and move!

Tasty & Nutritious Meals

Good food is good medicine. Our fresh, homemade meals temp even the pickiest eater. Packed with protein and healthy nutrients, HelloCare Senior Day Lounge makes every lunch time a treat. Most special diets can be accommodated, just ask!